About My Exchange


Minun nimeni on Claire ja minä olen vaihto-oppilas Kanadasta. Elokuusta 2013 henäkuuhun 2014 saakka minä olen opiskelija Suomessa. Minä asun isäntä perheen kanssa Muhoksella, pikkukaupunkissa lähellä Oulua, ja minä käyn suomalaista lukiota, jossa minä yritän lähinnä ymmärtää mitä opettaja sanoo (haha).

Minä olen Suomessa oppia uusi kieli, tavata suomalainen ihmiset, ja pitää hauskaa! Tähän mennessä, minä pidän suomi, ja joka päivää on uusi sattuma. Minä olen kiitollinen minun isäntäperheesta, minun Rotary klubit Kanadassa ja Suomessa, ja minun koulu mahtava!



My name is Claire and I am an exchange student from Canada. From August 2013 to July 2014 I will be living the life of a student in Finland. I live with a host family in Muhos, a little town just outside of Oulu, and go to a Finnish speaking school where I spend most of the class trying to understand what the teacher is saying (haha).

The point of the Rotary Youth Exchange is to open new doors for students around the world, and to learn the language of your host country. So far I am very much a reindeer in the headlights, but I hope that it will get easier!

My sponsoring clubs are Silver Star Rotary, my Canadian club, and Muhoksen Rotaryklubi, my Finland club. Both of these clubs have made my exchange possible, and I am very, very thankful for them!


  1. Your blogs are fabulous Claire; keep writing please. I am having my morning coffee, reading your blogs and having a chuckle now and then. It's a great way to start my day; thank you and enjoy your adventure!

  2. Claire, live life fully. Change is what we should fear least not most. You're going to look back at this first month....and laugh...soon!

    I'm interested in learning about what meals consist of, the local economy and how Rotary differs between Finland and Canada.

    Enjoy all the new experiences.

