Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Suklaa Muro

Hello everyone.

I have noticed that my posting skills are rather lacking in this month, and maybe you have too. I've been spending so much time trying to learn Finnish that I forgot about this little thing.
I am currently writing the blog posts that I should have posted now, and will publish them during this week and next. I am writing them as though they just happened, because I want to! Don't question me... And the dates will represent that as well. So really, I'm just covering my tracks to make it look like I posted them on time..... But don't tell anyone.

As a consolation prize, please enjoy this brief little story that is not relevent to anything except the title of this post:

A few days ago, Selja (host sister) and I went with Ulla (host mom) to the store to get groceries. Ulla asked me to pick a cereal from the aisle and Selja came with me. There were many choices, but I was leaning towards this trail mix looking one with fruit and nuts and oats.... But I did not fail to notice Selja eyeing up the chocolate section with a certain lust in her eyes. The Manninen house is not one you find full of Fruit Loops and Corn Pops, so I decided what the hell, let's get some chocolate cereal.

Now, we bought this while most of the family was away, so Selja strategically didn't tell anyone about the box of pure sugar in the cupboard, and of course I didn't spoil her fun. Today though, during evening snack, she was munching on some chocolate delight when Aapeli, my little host brother, gasped and exclaimed "SUKLAA MURO?!?! MISSÄ?!" I would have paid a sack full of Euros to get his facial expression on camera as I handed him the box. He devoured two bowls, and I suspect it will all be gone in the morning.

This, my blog readers, is why I love my isäntä-perhe.

Anyways, Claire out.

-originally posted on 15.9-

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