Tänä Perjantaina (15.11.2013), minun lukio oli pukua päivää, kun opiskelijat pukeutuvat kaltainen julkkis ja videopeli, kirja, ja elokuva ihmiset. Minä pidän todella Halloween, se on minun lempiloma, no tänä päivä oli mahtava!
Myös, koulun jälkeen, minä olen mennyt katsoa ilotulitus Kempelessa. Kanadassa, joka Halloween, minä menin katsoa ilotulitus, no se muistutti minua Kanada.
Minä olen yllättin kuinka monta opiskelijat oli pukeutua! Minä olin tosi onnellinen joka yli puoli teini-ikäiset olivat jonkinlainen pukua. Se oli mahtava päivä, ja minä haluan kiittää kaiki joka autivat! Kiitos kiitos kiitos :D
Ja nyt englanti, koska minä tarvitsen...
Finland doesn't celebrate Halloween as we do in Canada and North America; no one dresses up, no one trick-or-treats.... NOTHING! This was an extremely depressing fact to me, because I adore Halloween. So, when I found out my lukio was having a dress up/ theme day, I jumped for joy!
This Friday, November 15th, the students were to dress up as either a celebrity or a character from a video game, book, or movie. I had been told by some of the other students that "probably no one is going to dress up because Finns aren't really into that kind of thing," so I had really lowered my expectations. I can proudly say that more than half of the lovely teenagers dressed up in some kind of costume! I was ecstatic!
Later that day, I went with my host father and some of my host siblings to Kempele to watch a little firework show. Every Halloween up until a few years ago, my family and I would go down to the Lavington Fire Hall and watch a big firework show after filling our bags full of candy. The exploding spectacle was quite nostalgic, and I enjoyed it immensely.
And now for some hilarious/ awesome/ horrifying costumes some of the kids had at my school.
Link (me) and my friend the Mad Hatter!
Pikku Myy, a character from the Moomins
Dexter Morgan
Pamela Anderson herself (that's a man, btw)
How homework is done at MULU
This is what I wore on October 31st. I "dressed up" as a Finn. Straight hair, button up shirt, sweat pants, and the essential wool socks. Every little bit counts, right? :)
Upeaa! Sinä kirjoitit suomeksi! Loved it!